Monday, April 21, 2014

Your body just died. May you live long!

Whenever I hear a friend or anyone saying “ I would never read books on a Kindle. Nothing equals the smell of a new book” etc I smirk.  I look at them with pity as if they are grandmas who cant understand technology and say scornful things like “ Do you think our ancestors felt sentimental about parchments? Had everyone been for parchments and writing on barks, you would never have books. Perhaps the parchment guys were hesitant to move from stone/clay tablets? etc. It makes me feel super cool for being in with technology and against the mass belief of a hard copy being better sentimentally than its advanced tech inhuman version.

I believed I was soo for technology. Until I discovered I wasn’t.

It has been an accepted fact for some time that until science finds a way to delay natural ageing, the only way to remain immortal is to transfer your consciousness to a machine and live as a machine forever. I just cannot get on board with this.  I am soo attached to this biological way of life that it irks me to even think I can live inside another body. I refused to watch the movie “ Her” because the idea of a man falling in love with an OS with consciousness repulsed me. It did not matter that the machine could think, feel emotions, and was in all aspects – a person. It is like falling in love with a person over the internet, only you will never  ever meet them. I know all this, I just cant wrap my head around it.
I want to scream and shout “ But this is how it was meant to be. You cant interfere with nature” as if I am living in the middle of the jungle and hunt deers for dinner. I do not define myself by my body( maybe if I was thinner and prettier) but now, no- I do define myself by my thoughts only. Yet, it is impossible for me to let my thoughts live in another container.

I guess I am more old-fashioned than I thought I was. I really need to stop smirking at the Kindle critics. 

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