Monday, April 18, 2016

The greatest city in the planet

"Its not a city, its an emotion. The city has a spirit which cannot be captured in words, it needs to be experienced"

Know which city I am talking about? Me neither. Because these kinds of lines can be applied to any city. The spirit of the people, the kindness in times of crisis etc will work on one city as well as it does on another. A few months back, after a particularly bad spell of rains, Chennai was incapacitated. And people came forward in droves to help. Volunteer centres sprang up at pivotal locations, people donated their time and money and ensured that the situation didnt go unmanageable.  A few years back when Mumbai was flooded, we heard stories of how people opened up their homes to strangers who were stranded on the roads, heartwarming stories were published in news papers about people coming forward selflessly to assist others. More recently, when the tragic fire broke out in a temple in Kerala, people queued up to donate blood.

What we do not acknowledge is that this behaviour is not unique to these cities. This is how people in general behave. Unless they are driven to fear for their families and loved ones, people always come forward to help others in crisis. Unless they are hiding behind the table fearing for their own life, they are always outside trying to improve the situation. 

This is not to say that any particular individual will come out or stay in. But when we take a large  sample, there are always enough people who come out to label the city helpful and kind. By this I do not intend to trivialise the fact that so many people came forward to assist, I only mean to say that they would have done so if they were in other cities as well. 

It is immensely satisfying to make a meme or a poster for the way your city rose up to a particular occasion, and while is nothing wrong in feeling happy or proud, realise  that what you are celebrating is not the spirit of a particular city , but that of mankind. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday evening Azures, ceruleans and prussians

"Social media bullshit expands to fill your time" - Me

My version of Parkinson's law is especially debilitating for me as I sit for hours on end surfing myself into a stupor. Entire afternoons get consumed, precious mornings disappear like dew under a harsh sun, leaving no trace of their existence.  Sometimes I wonder how people with an active FB, twitter AND instagram account manage to peel themselves off their laptops and get anything done. I  imagine I would be like one of those experimental lab rats with electrodes wired to their brains that give them a jolt of pleasure everytime they pull a lever. I would have a glazed, vaguely happy expression and would mindlessly keep pulling the lever ( or pressing some link) as my meandering instagram searches take me to great photos, great artists and way down the rabbithole. 

"You present a particularly morbid vision of social media", you complain. "Not everything on social media is bullshit. There are tons of knowledgeable articles and a lot of inspiration to be found on these pages". Of course, there is no doubt that there is inspiration and motivational articles. A glimpse at " Pocket Recommended" would  tell you that everyone is reading those articles like " The one habit you need to acquire to become super productive" or " Ten things you need to do after 10PM" or " Are you doing this every morning or you not having control of your day" and other similar ones. If only reading that one article could make us more productive, we would have not foolishly continued reading the other 10,000 that came after it. Or follow these sites on FB to get "your daily dose of motivation"

I have always been a vocal opponent of posting on FB , claiming it is mainly there for flaunting and image-crafting ( Term borrowed from Wait but Why). If you use FB to mildly deceive others into thinking you are a certain kind of person, you use Pinterest to deceive yourself that you are a certain kind of person. It is terrifying. I remember I used to try and beat the Sunday evening blues by losing myself in Pinterest. Pinning the perfect home, the perfect vacations, the perfect hairstyle etc. I used to do that for weeks, without realising that my hair was no better than it was few weeks earlier,  my home was still a dump and for all my Paris and Peru pins, I was stuck in Gurgaon.  And I do not know if it was a co-incidence, but I lost my Pinterest habit when I genuinely started traveling  ( not too much, an average of a trip per month), even if most of them were weekend trips. 

And as  I find myself going back to Pinteresty stuff again, it scares me. 

It seems like we use these sites as crutches or substitutes for actual work or travel. You have been doing Chinese take-away all week? Here, pin a healthy smoothie and feel better. No travel plans in the near future? No problem here are a dozen beautiful homes with a sea view that you can travel to. It is no one's fault. Obviously, it is easy to get dragged into this whirlpool of social media. And it provides the perfect escape. Unfortunately, the problem with the likes of Instagram is that eventually your battery drains out and you are left with your unglamorous self. 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

What to expect when you are expecting a lot! ( hint: disappointment)

Expectations, ambition, content and wishing for happiness. All of us have these in varying degrees. Some of us are willing to give up ambition for contentment, while some are willing to sacrifice  happiness to achieve our ambitions. I don't know which is right- giving up on your happiness to achieve something good ( assuming your ambition has some good for the world as well)  or living a happy content life but one that ultimately amounts to nothing. Both are scary in their own way and both have their appeal. 

  A cookie cutter life might not be glamorous -the  one with a happy family and a weekend movie and mall visits and EMIs and work stress, commute, once a year vacations- mild happiness with surges of joy and sadness. But I do see the charm of it too. Even travel bloggers who have been on the move for many years start to crave for a base- that familiar grocer, the hairstylist who knows how you like it ( your hairstyle:P ) etc. There is something to be said about having  a relaxing coffee in your balcony overlooking whatever view your salary can afford. 

The other exotic alternative and the stuff of inspirational articles - a high flying career that is somehow intellectually satisfying, with enough time for horizon expanding travels seems a little far fetched- at least at this point. But that does not stop us from wishing for it. I suspect that this desire will somehow be my downfall- If ( or when ) I realise in my middle age that I have missed the bus on the exotic lifestyle, my disappointment will be so great that will not relish whatever enjoyment I can get from my current one. 

And that is the crux of the whole thing,

It does not matter whether you live the cookie cutter life or the exotic life as long as it is in line with your expectations. If you are one who chooses contentment and happiness over fame and ambition, you will be happy with the most typical of lives. The vanilla option. The default option if you live i a developed country or are rich in a developing country and have average luck.    If on the other hand you choose fame and ambition and want to make a difference, that is going to take a lot of effort. 

But if like me, you want fulfilment and exoticness but dont want to work for it, you are in for big trouble. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016


 As I finished my duolingo lesson for the day feeling proud of myself looking at "2 day streak" ( Hey, a streak is a streak!) the familiar voice of self-doubt showed up. "Whats so great about learning Spanish? " Of course, finding words that are similar to Tamil and English is intriguing and leads to some thought on the history of languages.  But is there any basic benefit to learning another language that you are not likely to use?

As I contemplated this idly, the bigger question of what knowledge itself is loomed large. Is mere information considered knowledge?  Some people can rattle off statistics about say a sport and be admired for being knowledgeable while others are called a "frigging bore" because they cant stop talking about that one thing. Is knowledge a factor of the person, or like beauty, is it in the eyes of the beholder? One of my friends who is obsessed with aircrashes , impresses me with her knowledge and passion for it , but would I say the same if she was interested in military equipment or say, the construction industry?

While sitcoms should not be confused with reality- we cant deny that a real life Ross would be considered quite a bore too. And whats more, Ross himself called Geologists and botanists boring in the course of the show. While that was done for comic effect, you cant help wonder if that is how we all view each other.  You are knowledgeable if it is in a topic i am interested in, else shut up. Certain topics are universal- you  arent considered wise if your area of expertise is make-up. Knowledge about sports always signifies a certain macho quality, just as a deep interest in astrophysics or neurobiology firmly places you in the "interesting+ geek" category.

According to me, if a person's area of interest is in something that has no direct relevance to them or their work, it is admirable. A marketing executives knowledge about ads isnt going to impress me , or anyone else. They are simply good at their job. But if they had a special interest in say, cars, or mountaineering- something that has no direct relevance to the mainstream bit of their life- they move one step up in my respect ladder. Interest in things like sports and politics, do not count- although there may be exceptions.

Even in this post-google world of everything available at your fingertips, being knowledgeable has its advantages. A multilingual without a phone is a better than one who has google translate installed on his smartphone.  And so I conclude that, while I ( or this blogpost)  may not be able to explain why, a two day streak is definitely mucho buen.