Saturday, April 16, 2016

What to expect when you are expecting a lot! ( hint: disappointment)

Expectations, ambition, content and wishing for happiness. All of us have these in varying degrees. Some of us are willing to give up ambition for contentment, while some are willing to sacrifice  happiness to achieve our ambitions. I don't know which is right- giving up on your happiness to achieve something good ( assuming your ambition has some good for the world as well)  or living a happy content life but one that ultimately amounts to nothing. Both are scary in their own way and both have their appeal. 

  A cookie cutter life might not be glamorous -the  one with a happy family and a weekend movie and mall visits and EMIs and work stress, commute, once a year vacations- mild happiness with surges of joy and sadness. But I do see the charm of it too. Even travel bloggers who have been on the move for many years start to crave for a base- that familiar grocer, the hairstylist who knows how you like it ( your hairstyle:P ) etc. There is something to be said about having  a relaxing coffee in your balcony overlooking whatever view your salary can afford. 

The other exotic alternative and the stuff of inspirational articles - a high flying career that is somehow intellectually satisfying, with enough time for horizon expanding travels seems a little far fetched- at least at this point. But that does not stop us from wishing for it. I suspect that this desire will somehow be my downfall- If ( or when ) I realise in my middle age that I have missed the bus on the exotic lifestyle, my disappointment will be so great that will not relish whatever enjoyment I can get from my current one. 

And that is the crux of the whole thing,

It does not matter whether you live the cookie cutter life or the exotic life as long as it is in line with your expectations. If you are one who chooses contentment and happiness over fame and ambition, you will be happy with the most typical of lives. The vanilla option. The default option if you live i a developed country or are rich in a developing country and have average luck.    If on the other hand you choose fame and ambition and want to make a difference, that is going to take a lot of effort. 

But if like me, you want fulfilment and exoticness but dont want to work for it, you are in for big trouble. 

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